Configuring the terminal in fman

Pressing F9 in fman launches your operating system's default shell. For instance, on Windows, cmd.exe is opened by default:

Windows cmd shell

You can customize which application is started when you press F9. To do this, Press Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) to open the Command Palette . Then, type List Plugins into it:

  • List plugins

Confirm with Enter. fman will display your currently installed plugins:

  • Settings
  • ShowKeyBindings

Select the Settings plugin with the arrow keys and confirm with Enter. Now you should see a few files such as Visited Paths.json, Core Settings.json etc.:

fman Settings plugin files

Edit the Core Settings file by pressing F4. Its contents will likely be similar to the following:

	"editor": {
		"args": [
			"C:/Program Files (x86)/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe",

You need to add a "terminal" entry to this file. For instance, to use Bash from the Windows Subsystem for Linux, add:

	"editor": {
		"args": [
			"C:/Program Files (x86)/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe",
	"terminal": {
		"args": "start bash", "shell": true, "cwd": "{curr_dir}"

(Please note the comma , at the end of the line before the "terminal" block.)

The parameters you can use are the same as for Python's Popen(...) command.

To apply your changes, open the Command Palette as before and enter Reload plugins:

  • Reload plugins

Now, when you press F9, your customized terminal application should be opened.

A user kindly shared his configuration in case you are using Termite Terminal:

"terminal": {
	"args": ["/usr/bin/termite", "--directory={curr_dir}"]